mother's dayOn May 10th, 2015 this country will celebrate our mothers. How do you see your mother? Do you see her as a strong Christian woman? What can you give your mother to show her the honor that she deserves? Are you a woman who looks to the Bible, God’s authority, for how to live your life? Below are lessons that are centered around being a Christian Woman, Wife, Mother. If you are striving to be a Godly woman, wife and mother God’s word is the best book for how to live a life that is worthy of the honor you deserve.

God’s Ideal Woman.

If you were to ask a number of people on the street to describe “the ideal woman,” you would get an equal number of answers depending on whether the person you ask is a man or a woman. Some would focus upon her physical beauty. Others would list her academic accomplishments and her intellect as being of supreme importance. Still others might speak of her wit, humor and love of life. Then there would be those who would combine a number of those listed above.

But how does God describe “the ideal woman?” In Proverbs 31:10-31 we are given His description of such a woman. God is looking for a few good women who will follow Him and become women of virtue. The power you have to influence those around you is more than you may ever know.

Women of Respect.

Submission is not a word we like to hear much about these days. Perhaps it is because we hear too much about those who abuse the authority given to them. But God has a purpose in our homes, one that glorifies Him, builds strong marriages and faithful children. It is this that we seek to explore in this lesson.

Satan seeks to destroy the home. Sometimes he attacks the husband and at other times he attacks the wife. When he attacks the wife, he convinces her that she is just as good as her husband and that she does not need to submit to anyone. To those who are women of God, I encourage you to stand against Satan’s attacks by being women worthy of respect.

Mothers, Keepers At Home.

Today, we live in the era of the “liberated woman” and motherhood does not seem to be an agreed upon issue by society in general any more. Rearing the next generation is a coveted task despite the unprecedented attacks on motherhood. Motherhood is both a demanding and a rewarding profession.

What Should You Give Your Mother?

What should we give our mothers? We should give our mothers obedience, respect, affection, wisdom, righteousness and care. 

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Honoring Our Parents

June 6, 2021
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