Disabled ManAre you like the beggar in Acts 3,  disabled by the sin in your life? Living from day to day. Content with the scraps and bones which Satan constantly throws to you?

The God we serve promises to create you anew, make you whole again, through His promised Savior, Jesus Christ.  Are you a Christian who has lost your focus, having taken your eyes off of Jesus? God wants you once again to look to Him and realize that it is His Glory you were meant to reflect. – only then will your life be a true instrument of God’s peace.

Christ died for our sins in order to bring us to God. Through His Holy Spirit and the proclamation of the "good news" He appeals to us to repent of…
Think back to the time that you obeyed the gospel of Christ. Why did you choose to become a Christian? What reason or reasons were there for you to take…

Holy Living

February 2, 2014
It is true that Leviticus is about laws and sacrificial systems, many of which are no longer applicable to us. However, this book points us to a more perfect system,…
No one, no thing, no circumstance of life can harm the man or woman of God. If you believe that, you can relax and you can stop worrying that someone…
The same God who revealed Himself to Moses in the wilderness of Midian still lives and reigns today. He is Lord of heaven and earth - there is no one…
The Christian life is a beautiful thing. As a matter of fact, there is nothing on earth that can compare with it. But there is a reaction which comes to…
Are you growing in your faith? Have you asked God to help your unbelief? If you are not growing in your faith then you cannot and will not reach your…
In What we have come to call the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus addressed the people of His day and told them they were two things: "you are the salt…
Many of us have a book with the words "Holy Bible" as the title in our homes. It is a book with divine strengths. God breathed it. It is set…
The fifty men who were sons of the prophets pleaded with Elisha for permission to go search for Elijah. Elisha sought to discourage them but they persisted. Finally, he relented…