Our Gospel Meeting is under way! We are blessed to have speaking with us again, Brother Donnie DeBord. He will be bringing six lessons to us this week. All of these lesson will be powerful and inspirational to anyone who is a believer or non-believer in God and who God is. Below are the lessons his bringing to us this week. Stay tuned as this list will grow as the week continues.


March 8, 2015
There is an interesting word in our English language which we use to describe so much in our lives. It is an adverb and it means that which has "not…

No Time For God

March 1, 2015
Can you ever imagine saying to God, " I don't have time for you right now?" This is basically what Felix did when he said to Paul, "Go away for…
God's desire for us is that we be conformed to His life. "Therefore, I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling…
To be able to live our lives "with a perfectly good conscience before God" until the day of our death or the Lord's coming is a most worthy goal. Our…
Where do your priorities lie? Is your focus upon taking those things the world considers important, or upon seeking first God's Kingdom? If you seek Him first, you will be…
Early one morning, during World World II, an American serviceman was making his way back to the barracks in London. He saw a little boy with his nose pressed to…

The Disease of Sin

February 15, 2015
It all comes down to who you are living for. When you indulge in that choice of your's, you are living for yourself. But I don't want you living for…
In J.R.R. Tolkien's works the Hobbit and the The Lord of the Rings trilogy, there is a fictional character known as Gollum who refers to a certain ring as "my…
The message of Zephanniah is a simple one: Judgment is coming, but blessings will follow for those who heed the warning to repent. It was a message that would later…
Magic, spell books and evil spirits are the things we expect from J.K. Rowling and her Harry Potter series. Fanciful tales of places far away. However, our text today is…