Our Gospel Meeting is under way! We are blessed to have speaking with us again, Brother Donnie DeBord. He will be bringing six lessons to us this week. All of these lesson will be powerful and inspirational to anyone who is a believer or non-believer in God and who God is. Below are the lessons his bringing to us this week. Stay tuned as this list will grow as the week continues.


August 25, 2013

Light plays an important role throughout the Scriptures. The first thing that God created was light. (Genesis 1:3) Following the flood, as a reminder of the convenant which God made…
There are those who seek Jesus, not because He is the Christ, but because He can fill their hungry stomachs with bread. Jesus had a great deal to say about,…
The apostle Peter wrote to Christians who were under much pressure from thos around them, specifically false teachers and their heresies. Peter considered his audience, then wrote encouraging the Christians…
"We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God" (John 6:69) It is impossible for a lion to act like a lamb. In…