Does James Contradict Paul?

In case you have missed any of our 2012 Fall Gospel Meeting here at the Waverly Church of Christ, you have the opportunity to catch up on of the wonderful lessons below. The lessons have been very well presented and well studied. Chris Kemp is a magnificent speaker who is well versed in God’s Word.

These series of lessons, with the theme of “Does James contradict Paul?”, bring an in depth look at grace based theology.  Are we saved through grace or merit? And how the answer is justified by scripture. We encourage you to open your heart as you listen and our prayer is that you will “grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18)

-Evan Glenn, Broadcast Minister


When I Contemplate God

September 6, 2015
“Wow, who could do this but God." This morning, I want us to see God the way Paul saw Him, to contemplate the greatness of the One we serve —…
Our God is so abundantly fair. He tells us that in obedience to His will by His mercy and grace I can be saved. On the other hand, He tells…
The story of Blind Bartimaeus is an example of how men are saved from sin. He was poor and blind, be he wanted to be delivered from darkness. He believed…
We have all been thrilled at the story of the young shepherd David as he, armed only with his sling, went against the champion of the Philistines, Goliath. Years have…

How Concerned Are You?

August 16, 2015
How often do we hear someone say, “the church is not growing”. When answers are sought as to why, people often say: a.) Preachers aren’t preaching anymore, they are pastoring.…