Does James Contradict Paul?

In case you have missed any of our 2012 Fall Gospel Meeting here at the Waverly Church of Christ, you have the opportunity to catch up on of the wonderful lessons below. The lessons have been very well presented and well studied. Chris Kemp is a magnificent speaker who is well versed in God’s Word.

These series of lessons, with the theme of “Does James contradict Paul?”, bring an in depth look at grace based theology.  Are we saved through grace or merit? And how the answer is justified by scripture. We encourage you to open your heart as you listen and our prayer is that you will “grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18)

-Evan Glenn, Broadcast Minister


When you hear the word Grace, what comes do your mind? Children may think that grace is what you say before each meal. To others it may mean not being…
Jesus came to this earth to bring sinners home to Him. When he is in a group of men with different understandings of this, He proceeds to explain to them…
Jesus loved to eat with sinners. He ate with disciples. He ate with friends. He ate with tax collectors. He ate with Pharisees. In the days of Jesus there were…
We can bring every thought into captivity (2 Corinthians 10:5). Acknowledge their presence. If they are ungodly, repent of them. Be intentional. Prayer for God’s strength. Rehearse a Scripture or…
The story of Saul's conversion in four questions. "Who are you, Lord?" "Why are you persecuting Me?" "What shall I do, Lord?" "Why are you waiting?"

Defying Doubt

September 8, 2019
There are different degrees of doubt used by the master of deception. One is that of the proud skeptic who seeks to upset the faith of those who are weak.…
Tonight, I would like for us to look at the small book in the Old Testament known as Lamentations. Written by the prophet Jeremiah, its five chapters are five funeral…

Revive Us, O Lord

September 1, 2019
William Paton Mackay was only 24 years old when he wrote one of our most beloved hymns in 1863. Over the years it has been known by at least three…
Unless you have chosen to avoid (Television, Internet, Print) you are very aware that there is much that is not right in the world at present. Riots, threats of war,…
The first preachers did not go throughout the world proclaiming some elaborate, artificial system of doctrines to difficult to understand. Nor did they declare a religious philosophy based on the…