Overcoming Personality Conflict | Waverly Church of Christ Overcoming Personality Conflict | Waverly Church of Christ

November 2, 2014

Overcoming Personality Conflict

Passage: Acts 15:36-41
Service Type:

One of the evidences of the inspiration of the Bible is the complete honesty with which it treats its heroes. Since we all have our own weaknesses and conflicts, would it not seem strange to you if those flaws in others were never mentioned in the pages of Scripture? Our lesson this morning has to do with one of the most prominent altercations. Many Christians become discouraged and quit serving the Lord as the result of a clash with a brother or sister in Christ. When we face personality differences in the church, it is vital that we diligently work to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. If we must part ways, then we should continue serving the Lord and not let the enemy get us to attack the person who has a different personality from ours.

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